Friday, December 4, 2009

Voyage to Florida, Day 1 11/29/2009

I set my alarm clock for 5:30am to prepare for my departure. Claire said she would get up to assist me and came aboard at 4:45, a bit premature. She returned to her quarters on the Canadian boat and I dozed back and awoke at my prescribed time of 5:30. I prepared to depart, made coffee, started the iron jenny, heated up the electronics and went topside to survey the situation, no Claire. I walked over and knocked on the cabin of Claire's quarters. She rambled over shortly thereafter as did the captain of the boat behind me, Brian. With their assistance the boat was positioned so to allow me to back into the fairway, make my turn and Knot-A-Lot slipped into the pre-dawn darkness at 6:00am with Claire and Brian standing watch on the dock.

I made my required request to transit the harbor to Nassau Harbor Control on the VHF. The sun was beginning to greet me as I motored toward the sea.

As I cleared the harbor numerous small fishing boats were returning and a cruise ship was making port for their scheduled stop. I will be retracing our path back to the states. The course was set, the auto pilot engaged for the 52 mile leg north by northwest to Great Stirrup Cay.

The seas were 1 - 3' on my beam with light east by northeast breeze. I set the headsail and motored my way northerly in complete comfort. As the boat approached Great Stirrup dolphins greeted me and played off my bow. I logged better time than anticipated so decided to round the north end of Great Stirrup and anchor between Great and Little Stirrup for the night. I had debated with myself the idea of completing my trip tommorrow by setting course across the Gulf Stream direct to Florida in instead of the additional two legs previously considered. The decision to was made to push across in what could become a 24 hour run. By camping here I would shave just under an hour from my next leg.

I had my anchor down by 4:30, prepared myself a cocktail, settled in for some burgers on the grill and watched the sun set over a quiet anchorage.

The moon was already high in the sky shortly after sunset. The boat was quiet, my day was long and I retired to my bunk at 7:00 with the intent to get underway by 4:00 am tomorrow.

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