Monday, November 9, 2009

Tituville Municipal Marina 11/8/2009

Left New Smyrna Beach for a planned light motor south to Titusville, Florida, about 35 statute miles. The intracoastal opened up with sharp chop on the water and winds steady at 15 - 20 knots and stronger gusts. We did not have the wind angle to raise our headsail which would have made the day more comfortable. We were not the only one's to opt for refuge from the breeze in Titusville.
There are numerous manatees in the harbor feeding on the grass matts floating, interesting to watch. They are attracted to fresh water and can be encouraged to raise their heads well above the water to take advantage of an open faucet on the dock.
This is cool, the marina has a "Clean Marina" certification and in an effort to dicourage discharge in the marina (abeit illegal) this guy comes to the boat and pumps holding tanks at no charge. Pretty neat.

This guy came down from Maine to winter his boat in Ft. Lauderdale where he has a dedicated crew member from Bequia (Carribean) that spends time addressing what I could not see, flaws in the yachts bright work. The boat is 50 some years young. The photo does not nearly present what is truly a Steinway quality finish.
We are still here on Tuesday 11/10 not electing to deal with 20 - 25 knots of breeze steady and gale force gusts. Tomorrow is predicted to be more favorable and we are anxious to continue. The snow is holding off.

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