Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Stirrup Cay, Berry Islands 11/21/2009

We cast of our lines at 6:45 am and set course for Great Stirrup Cay in the Berry Islands, 62 nautical miles. As one can see the seas were uncommonly calm under sunny skies. We did have a light breeze and motored under our mainsail sheeted close to center.

Claire had a pole with lead core line, a thirty pound monofiliment leader with a silver spoon and a BIG hook. I did not believe we would catch anything motoring at 6 knots and if we did what we would do with it without a net or gaff. I was mistaken because at one point I noticed we had some interest in the lure and I believe we did have a strike. The fish was only on the line for about 3 or 4 minutes and I did not get a chance to winch any line back in. We should have slowed our speed but as we did not I think I pulled his teeth out.

The largest waves today were made by our boat.

So calm you can see the reflection of our pulpit in the water before us.

Some cruise ships make this a regular stop on the north side of this northern most island in the Berrys

The same island from our anchorage looking north. Our first attempt to anchor was unsuccessful with difficult holding on hard stoney bottom. The second attempt found good hold and we weathervained off 75' of scope in 15' of water. In the photo you can see one of four permanent moorings in a square pattern that were used by ferries that sevice the cruise ships visiting the other side of the island. One was occupied when we arrived the other three vacant with boats in service at the time. One by one the remaining three came in after dark. We were relatively close to one of the moorings and when the last boat maneuvered into the field they rafted to another ferry instead of claiming their mooring near us. I can only assume they extended us the courtesy of bouy room, very polite.

We settled in for cocktails dinner and a movie on the computer after dark. I leave you with the sunset from Great Stirrup Cay.

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