Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Port Lucaya, Ocean Reef YC 11/20/2009

We cast off our lines at Old Bahama Marina leaving Dan Pearce on the dock snapping photos and waving goodby. Dan was to take a resort bicycle to to the bus stop a few miles down the road for a 30 min ride to Freeport where he intended to wander the streets and later catch a plane at 3:00pm to Ft. Lauderdale. He had the shower room keys we left Riviera Beach with. In Ft. Lauderdale he was to taxy to the train to West Palm, take another taxy to Riviera Beach to return the keys and fetch his car for the drive to the Orlando area.

We on the other hand set out to make Port Lucaya 29 miles easterly down the coast of Grand Bahama. Mostly motored in light air close to the nose. Bypassed Freeport taking the photos of the traffic as we passed.

These guys are pretty impressive.

Channel entrance to the Ocean Reef Yacht Club. The club is a timeshare type resort with all the typical ammenities. Spent the afternoon in the pool and visiting with people. There is a pattern developing with some. The guy stopped here because he had an engine that needed a head gasket, this was four years ago. There are a number of Canadian boats that winter here. The Ocean Reef offers reasonable rates to boaters to encourage them to stay and lend ambiance to the resort.

Claire went to an event in town with friends we met from Alaska. Mason and I retired to the bar for a couple of nightcaps. We discussed the economics of beer that now costs $37 -  $42.00 in the islands and rum. The verdict is rum will be far more space efficient and cost effective.

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY THANKSGIVING My viking friend!!!
    50 degrees and cloudy yesterday and no snow in sight here. Hope all is well and you are having a great time.
    Be safe and don't pillage the islands to much.
    Take care
