Monday, November 16, 2009

West Palm Sun/Mon 11/15,16/2009

Patiently waiting for favorable weather on the beach at Peanut Island across the intracoastal from our parking spot.

Knot-A-Lot at the dock.

"Vela Velace" arrived at 7:00 am this Monday down from St. Johns, Newfoundland. She is an IOR 52 similar to one of the other boats on the hard already. I went and had a chat particularly to query about the sea state. Real nice people. I had to cut the conversation short or I would have ended up drinking beer with them. A tad early for me.

The crew and yard had the boat out, taken apart and cradled by noon.

Amazing how comfortable this guy was just feet from me. All for now.
Sunday morning Bloody Mary ritual.

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