Thursday, November 12, 2009

Loblolly Marina 11/12/2009

The day was cool, overcast and windy. Wore everything I wore when I left Michigan thinking I would not need to again for some time, wrong. Made time motor sailing making 6 - 7 knots and as a result we elected to go beyond our original destination. Then we couldn't find a marina till this one. With 75 statute miles under our keel we were not to be selective. This is a private club with new facilities opening this week and as the harbor master put it when asked if they honor reciprocity with other yacht clubs " No, don't even think about it". Oh well.
Some very nice places along the way that I presume to be part of a gated community on one of the barrier islands.


Claire dressed for snow and Mason unable to surrender to the weather. The map below shows my progress with the boat to date. We have a short hop in the morning to our staging destination.

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